Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bath Bomb Fun

For a deluxe spa treatment, drop one of these handmade fizzing bath bombs into your bath water and receive the ultimate bathing experience. Watch these bath treats bubble and fizz in your bath, stimulating and soothing your skin. Relax and restore your body with a soothing scented bath bomb.
Many scents available

Drop one of these great bath treats into your bath water and soak up the aromatherapy benefits while you soften your sensitive skin, all while they bubble and fizz in your bath. You'll find our bath balls very soothing, helping you relax both mind and body. Try one in your favorite scent today. Our bathbombs also make great gifts and stocking stuffers for anyone on your list.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

About Us

Our products are inspired by nature for pure, luxurious living. Many of the products you find on store shelves are filled with synthetic ingredients that disrupt the natural functions of the body. But at Natures Garden Therapies, we’ve created products that work in harmony with your body by using ingredients that are healthy and natural.

When it comes to searching out truly natural, handmade, and/or organic personal care products and beauty supplies, don’t just trust the labels and names. In other words, to ensure you are really getting a 100% natural personal care product, you need to read the ingredients.

Most folks, after recognizing several natural ingredients listed in a product will assume it is safe to buy. However, it only takes just one synthetic ingredient to cause allergic reactions and/or long term health ailments.
Some of the harmful ingredients you should look for are:

Methyl, Propyl, Butyl & Ethyl Paraben – Used to extend shelf life and inhibit microbial growth. Studies show them to be estrogenic and absorbable through the skin. Known to cause rashes and allergic reactions.

Diethanolamine (DEA) & Triethanolamine (TEA) – Amines that after making contact with Nitrates turn into cancer causing nitrosamines. Used as emulsifiers (water and oil binding agents) and foaming agents, DEA and TEA can cause allergic reactions, eye irritation and skin/scalp dryness.

Diazolidinyl Urea, Imidazolidinyl Urea – Preservatives shown in studies to be the primary cause of contact dermatitis. Germall II and Germall 115 are trade names of these chemicals – both of which release toxic formaldehyde.

Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate – A harsh detergent widely used because it is very cheap. Used as a cleaning and foaming agent in shampoos, Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate causes several allergic reactions, scalp scurf, eye irritation and skin rashes.

Pet rolatum – Otherwise known as petroleum jelly, this has no nutritional value whatsoever and is strictly used as an emollient to soften and smooth the skin. Ironically, Petrolatum creates the conditions it seeks to alleviate, because it interferes with the body’s own natural moisturizing processes.

Propylene Glycol – Although this should be vegetable glycerin mixed with grain alcohol, it is often a synthetic derivative, called PEG (polyethylene glycol) or PPG (polypropyl ene glycol). Both of these chemicals cause eczema, hives and other allerg ic reactions.
PVP/VA Copolymer – A petroleum derived chemical often used in hair products known to be toxic when inhaled in the lungs.

Stearalkonium Chloride – Often used in hair conditioners and creams, the quaternary ammo nium compound Stearalkonium Chloride was originally developed by the fabric industry to soften clothes. It is used in personal care products because it cost cheaper than proteins and herbals.

Thankfully, Natures Garden Therapies was created to provide you with natural beauty products that are safe for you and your little ones.
We also understand that there are customers who prefer Fragrance oils, our fragrances are of the highest quality and are phthalate free :O) So if you like a fragrance that is in a specific product, feel rest assured that they are safe. Please do a patch test though if you have sensitive skin.

Did I mention we hand-make all of our products and most are made to order ensuring the finest quality.

In the news

By Scott Tedrick, Editor

Advocate Tribune
Posted Apr 23, 2010 @ 03:33 PM
Granite Falls, Minn. —
No matter what the product, newborn Caden Hall broke out in rashes when ever a baby lotion or powder was placed upon his skin.
Babies are particularly susceptible to the toxic environments man subjects himself to. But the irritation alluded to by Caden’s rosy red skin came about despite the best efforts of a pair of extremely health conscious parents, Derek and Candace Hall.
In fact, the whole reason the two moved away from a charmed life amongst the island paradise of St. Thomas – where she worked as a professional fishing guide on a tuna and marlin boat, and he as the first mate on his father’s  luxury charter yacht – was so that they could provide their child a proper environment for a healthy upbringing.
And what better place than Derek’s hometown, Granite Falls.
Caden’s sensitive skin was a bit perplexing for the two, even the more expensive ‘all natural’ products did nothing to improve the situation. Faced with her child’s discomfort, Candace did what any good mother would do. She remedied the problem, creating her own baby lotions.
Two outcomes surfaced from the initiative. First, five-and-a-half month old Caden became rash free ever since the homemade products began being applied upon his skin. Second, it served as the impetus behind a 100 percent natural, homemade bath and beauty venture: Natures Garden Therapies.
Not in your mouth,
then not on your skin
It is the largest organ of the body, yet when it comes to protecting it from environmental toxins, for many, it is an afterthought.
Nevertheless, whether you’re cognizant of it or not, what goes on the skin, enters the body.
Quoting the dermatological rule-of-thumb, Candace recites, “You never want to put anything on your body that you wouldn’t eat.”
Candace proudly proclaims that you could eat – not that you’d necessarily want to – any of the lotions, perfumes, lipsticks, eye shadows, body scrubs and herbal remedies that she  creates , so long as it does not contain perfumes.
With a little research, you’ll find that all of the most reputable pervasive brands have questionable ingredients which are included in baby products on up. Those chemicals are linked to everything from skin irritation, cancers and endocrine system disruptors; just to name a few.
The inclusion of the toxic chemicals are largely an offshoot of the commercial industrial process. As companies seek to improve their bottom line, concessions can be made to include cheaper oils and synthetic materials that lengthen the shelf life and only mimic the higher quality ingredients,
With Natures Garden Therapies, Candace does not make those concessions.
Great products,
great for the body
Standing in front of a bookcase  full of her raw ingredients, Candace notes that every component of the bath and body materials are of the highest possible quality.
She talks with a zeal, moves with a purpose and exudes positivity as she rattles off her ideas and explains that many of the products have healing qualities.
“You can treat under eye circles with grapeseed oil, you can treat wounds with tea tree oil … My friend Teresa has been using our sugar scrub for her hands and her liver spots are disappearing,” she said, sounding a bit amazed at her own words. “She used to have cracked bleeding fingers and they don’t do that anymore, and she’s only been using it for a week.” Candace went on to talk about the woman’s husband. He used one of Natures Garden Therapies coffee foot soaks and within two days his gout cleared up – at least until his diet aggravated it again. (Gout is aggravated by sugar, particularly fructose, says the British Medical Journal).
Of course, most people aren’t buying the products to get rid of their liver spots or treat their gout. Natures Garden Therapies products have been a hit with those who have applied them to their bodies because they smell incredible and leave their skin feeling amazing.
“I’ve never heard anything negative,” said Candace. “As a matter of fact, anytime someone tries something they buy it. They can just tell that there’s that much of a difference.”
Candace says that she will make products to order so that an individual can customize the ingredients to  produce an optimal effect on their particular skin type, or so they can include their favorite fragrance. Despite the high cost of materials, and ability to customize, she states that the prices are comparable to the name brands.
Plain and simple, she says, “You get a better quality product for the same price.”